I made a recent trip to the thrift store to find a bag with 3 different versions of Clawdeen and one Draculara (which I sold) I did not take a before picture but they were all in really good condition included the entire outfit plus accessories. i find they are always doing the absolute most with Clawdeen. That Kiss inspired make up was a no for me the minute i saw it. Half way removing the glitter I realized it was fixed to her eyebrows as well. I was almost annoyed until I realized I liked how it was turning out. I did the following:
-Removed eyebrows/most makeup
-trimmed her hair shoulder length
-Removed the fur from the shoes
-cut out the fur from the sleeves
-removed green gloves
-Removed all accessories except earrings
Below are all my Clawdeens! I fought myself so hard not to collect her and her siblings, but how can you not love her!? and for $8 I got three in mint condition! Going back to that store tomorrow to see what else they have that I couldn't afford at the time. hey and thank you to everyone who kept visiting, I really appreciate it!