Monday, June 15, 2015

Two New Additions

It's safe to say that Mattel is well aware that doll lovers/collectors the world over are swapping bodies to give articulation to otherwise stiff models. So they are most than happy to save a few cents on the dollar not selling them already articulated, sending us to eBay to get overpriced donors or back to them to purchase more. Sigh. This is especially true for deeper hues like SIS Chandra who is now listed on amazon for $147! No matter what store I go to there is always an excess of blonde dolls and the amount looks the same each time. I dont believe for one second they're selling out and restocking daily, that's crap. I will keep visiting thrift stores hoping to strike gold. I didn't need a scavenger hunt for my next find, I was simply in a different neighborhood for my daughter doctors appointment and decided to stop by the local Targét and voila! The chocolate 2015 fashionista! (What's her name ya'll? I have no idea) And went around the next aisle to find another gem. Moxie Girlz Friends Amorie! What an adorable name.

Doll shopping is so thrilling. Oh how I've missed it!


So stunning! I'm going to pilfer through to see if her face mold matches anyone in my collection, at first glance I would say the University of Tennessee but I will double check.

Yup, looks like the same mold. 

This little angel. Her hair is already curled which I really appreciate and she stands on her own like a Kelly doll and for a fraction of the price! I was hoping to find more but she was the only one.


  1. NIce! Sometimes you can call around and save on gas if you know exactly what you are looking for.

  2. I've never tried doing that with dolls, I've always preferred to go eyeball myself. Especially considering the many times I've been persistent and found stuff through digging or in other toy aisles.

  3. Congrats on your purchases! I bought Tally and Amorie for my daughter. I've hemmed and hawed about that dark fashionista for months. While in Myrtle Beach on vacation, I actually ventured into a Walmart that had THREE in stock and still I left her there. Now that I have a name and a role for her in my little doll community, I plan to get her the next time I see her.

  4. Thank you! I don't know If I could've resisted leaving all of them there. I'm sure when you find her she'll fit right in!

  5. Congratulations on getting her. I have not seen her in my local stores in a long while. I have not rebodied her yet, but plan to do so in the near future. She is gorgeous redressed!

    1. Georgia Girl I actually had not redressed here yet but I have since this post!

  6. Congrats on getting them! I have both. I purchased two of the Moxie mini dolls. One I rebodied onto a Kenya Keyshia body.

    There are always more blonde dolls. A while back when I was trying to get BB 15, 16 & 17, when they first came out. I called the hotline and spoke to toy department managers. I was told that in a box of 12, there is only one brunette and one ethnic doll. The rest are blonde dolls. You almost have to be there when the box is opened to get an ethnic doll. At XMAS, the staff get the dolls first and hide them. I do better in all white neighborhoods for ethnic dolls. Most stores only reader when dolls are low or close to a sale.

    1. Thanks I really love them!

      Don't get me started with these stores, it is so infuriating! It doesn't even make sense (unless it does) why stores in an area with predominantly black people have less black dolls. You may be onto something though.
