It turns out I was right about the Nikki Style/Glam Luxe doll. Apparently Mattel is not as creative as we would hope and like all companies are full of hype and prioritize the bottom line. I'm not sure what the sales strategy is but If I were to guess It goes a little something like this:
(a) Publicize a new range a dolls
(b) Release one or two (all white) in select markets
(c) In the case of the Glam Luxe dolls, don't even bother showing a picture of Nikki until months after the second wave comes out (Remember no pics of Nikki were even in the pamphlets with the other girls)
(d) Finally release Nikki after waiting close to a year to probably dismal sales because it did not get to capitalize on the initial hype. In retail it's all about momentum.
What this sales strategy insures is that the white dolls (since being the only ones available) get a huge surge in profit because they are sold at top market ($20-$25). By the time the AA doll comes out the previous dolls are on "rollback" at Walmart and on sale at similar retailers, Getting people to still buy them over the newly released dolls of color. So at the end of the sales quarter Mattel can pat themselves on the back about a job well done and predicting a successful launch showing that white dolls always outsell dolls of color. Sound far fetched? Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past them.
Lashes/less chunky highlights were the only things added |
With the exception of articulation in the upper body (which you can a Nikki Fashionista for $6 on Mattels site now) and lashes she is the same doll. It seems since the 1990's, SIS dolls not included Mattel has not really done a good job in doll diversity. Even if were just looking at Skipper and Stacie, How many years has the newer versions of them been out? Yet I've not ever spotted the AA ones. It's disappointing to say the least, but there are other options:
-Prettie Girls
-Kenya's World
-Thrift Stores, Ebay, Amazon usually you can find good deals